Become a volunteer
Our aim is to enable visually impaired people to maintain their independence.
Sight Advice relies on the support of an army of volunteers both visually impaired and sighted, and we also believe in providing a rewarding experience for our volunteers. We provide training and support to make sure you get the most out of your experience with us. However, to give you a flavour of how volunteers are helping us here are a few examples:
- Activities – We have a range of groups from games, walking and Book at Bedtime, to name just a few. To enable the events to happen they need support from volunteer guides, readers and drivers.
- Fundraising – We may not be allowed to rattle our collection tins any more but we need volunteers to support our fundraising activities which include: street collections, events, publicity and collection boxes.
- Support in the Community – Volunteers assist at and run information and support groups around the local towns and villages. We offer a range of different services that support our visually impaired and blind service users. Please contact us to find out more about how you can support us.
- Administration – Volunteers help keep our database up to date, help with mailing and answering the phone. The administration role is often combined with assisting in the Sight Advice main office.
- Trustees – Provide Governance for the organisation. There are bi-monthly meetings with updates in the intervening months. Trustees may provide additional support at other times.